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    Cow Pies in the Night Sky

    Cow Pies

    Buy Now $12.98, 32 pages, hard cover, (c) 2010.

    Cow Pies in the Night Sky follows the challenges between two cow artists, Dairy Cassatt and Georgia O'Beefe, who are both determined to prove that they are the best cow artist in the world. The story traces the rancorous relationship that eventually becomes one of respect and friendship. Each page in the book is based on an art style, movement, event, or artist who is well known or renowned in the art world.

    palette A palette icon designates the art reference directing readers to the original works, which facilitates additional education. A separate kit is available that incorporates the four art forms - visual art, music, dance, and theatre activities that tie in with the characters and plot of the story.

    HAHA Cow Pies in the Night Sky is part of the HAHA book series. The H.A.H.A. series teaches Art History by drawing its readers in with its humor and bright, colorful imagery and maintaining their interest with creative, imaginative stories. Both entertaining and educational, the series strives to present art in an accessible and pleasurable format. The series is the creation of Gaye Leigh Green.


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